SKK Migas-PetroChina Handed Over 1,000 Basic Needs Packages for Jambi Locals

13 October 2021 by
Stefani Paskalia Widiyani

The donations were handed over to the 0419/Tanjab Military District Command (Kodim) on October 5, 2021. Included among targets for the donations are those undergoing Covid-19 self-isolation.

PetroChina Jabung’s community development supervisor Yulian handed over the donations to 0419/Tanjab Military District Commander Lt. Col. (Inf) Erwan Susanto in an event at Erwan’s office. TJB Regent Anwar Sadat, TJB regional legislative council speaker Abdullah and SKK Migas Southern Sumatra Business Support Specialist Setyanto Aji Prahoro also attended the event.

Erwan said that these donations would be well-targeted and be distributed accordingly. “We will make sure of this through cooperation between village-supervisory non-commissioned military officers [Babinsa] and village administrations. We hope that locals, especially from the lower economic background, can benefit from these donations,” he said.

Meanwhile, Setyanto said that the handover was part of SKK Migas and PetroChina’s commitment in supporting the government’s pandemic mitigation efforts.

“We are committed to help reduce the pandemic’s economic burden on local people. We strive to always work together with various stakeholders. We hope we can make positive contributions to the people of Tanjung Jabung Barat,” he said.

Stefani Paskalia Widiyani October 13, 2021
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