Executive Summary of Biodiversity Trendline and Status (2024) at Geragai Oilfield and Betara Gasfield PetroChina International Jabung, Ltd.
Geragai Oilfield
IIn order to achieve Environmental Management goals, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. Geragai Area commits for Biodiversity Resources preservation. The effort has been started since 2014 until now through some Programs related Biodiversity preservation that conducted in Geragai Biodiversity Conservation Area.
Refers to Latest Report of Biodiversity Status and Trendline at Geragai Area, The Biodiversity index shows increase positively since 2018. The increasement index indicates that frequency, density, species richness and distribution value in positive way. Those value indicates that our efforts to preserve Biodiversity at Geragai Area on track appropriately with Company’s Goals. Thus, the significance impact keeps our ecosystem in better ways such as the availability of food chain and water supply for all species within the Habitat. In other hand, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. Geragai Area has initiated the Biodiversity Innovation this year that involved local society for Agroforestry Program for Water Jack Fruit (Artocarpus sp.) cultivation.

Based on report, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. Geragai Area states that 21 kind of plant species categorized as Red Status IUCN List and 2 kind of animal species categorized as Red Status IUCN List. It concludes that Geragai Biodiversity Conservation Area could be utilized as center of education, research and science that involved internal and external parties.
Picture of Plant and Animal Species at Geragai Biodiversity Conservation Area: (left) Shorea Gibbosa, (right) Chrysophlegma miniaceum
Betara Gasfield
In order to achieve Environmental Management goals, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. Betara Area commits for Biodiversity Resources preservation. The effort has been started since 2014 until now through some Programs related Biodiversity preservation that conducted in Betara Biodiversity Conservation Area.
Refers to Latest Report of Biodiversity Status and Trendline at Betara Area, The Biodiversity index shows increase positively since 2018. The increasement index indicates that frequency, density, species richness and distribution value in positive way. Those value indicates that our efforts to preserve Biodiversity at Betara Area on track appropriately with Company’s Goals. Thus, the significance impact keeps our ecosystem in better ways such as the availability of food chain and water supply for all species within the Habitat. In other hand, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. Betara Area has initiated the Biodiversity Innovation this year concerning in Beringin Tree cultivation (Ficus sp.) as part of ecosystem maintainability around Betara Biodiversity Conservation Area.
Based on report, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. Betara Area states that 22 kind of plant species categorized as Red Status IUCN List and 2 kind of animal species categorized as Red Status IUCN List.It concludes that Betara Biodiversity Conservation Area could be utilized as center of education, research and science that involved internal and external parties.
Picture of Plant and Animal Species at Betara Biodiversity Conservation Area: (left)Melastoma malabathricum, (right) Orthotomus ruficeps