Social Investment
PetroChina's social investment programs are designed to empower and stimulate the development of local capacities. In planning and carrying out these programs, we strive to foster sustainable partnerships with local stakeholders, including communities, government agencies, civil society organizations and academics.
Collaboration is the key element of our social programs in our aim to contribute more to te socio-economic improvement of the communities around our operational areas.
Referring to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development set by the United Nations and the regional development plans of national and local governments, PetroChina incorporates guidelines from all levels with the company's core values to help us make informed and effective strategies.
An artist is applying wax on a fabric during batik-making process. PetroChina Jabung supports home batik industry development in Jambi.
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Over the last few years, we have made efforts to include more inclusive programs in economic empowerment, education, health and infrastructure to accommodate the dynamics of social challenges.
Among our recent social programs include the development of Pangkal Babu Mangrove Tourism Area and Muntialo Retention Pond (local tourism site & water reserve for forest firefighting), road infrastructure projects, stunting prevention program, scholarships for poor students in various education levels, provision of clean water facilities in local villages, and development of disaster-resilient villages.
Local children visiting Pangkal Babu Mangrove Tourism Area, supported by PetroChina Jabung in West Tanjung Jabung, Jambi