PetroChina Jabung hosted a virtual company visit for Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) petroleum engineering students on February 14. The event is part of the 2022 Integrated Petroleum Festival (IPFEST), an annual event hosted by the ITB Petroleum Engineering Students Association, the Society of Petroleum Engineers ITB Student Chapter (SPE ITB SC) and the ITB student chapter of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers (IATMI).
Over 120 students attended the event. PetroChina’s HR training superintendent Yosefine Ariani and Gesa Endah Prastiti from Reservoir Engineering spoke in separate sessions, while communication manager Ginandjar gave the opening remarks.
“Hopefully, through this event, we can provide all the student attendees here with the information that you need,” Ginandjar said.
In Yosefine’s session, themed “Developing Competitive Talents in Oil and Gas Industry”, students learned about PetroChina’s workplace culture and ethics. According to her, future workers require five essential elements, namely competency, knowledge, skills, behavior and experience. “Conceptual engineering and practical engineering are highly correlated in the professional world and will be high-demand skills in the workplace by 2025,” she said.
Meanwhile, in Gesa’s session, students were introduced to oil and gas development in Jabung Block as well as reservoir engineering’s role in it. “Jabung Block still has plenty of untapped potentials for development. We are looking to collaborate with artificial intelligence in the near future,” Gesa said in answering an attendee’s question.
PetroChina has often collaborated with college students to hold company visits and sharing sessions, all of which have been moved online during the pandemic.
PetroChina Receives Petroleum Engineering Students in Virtual Visit