PetroChina Hands over 16 CSR Programs to Tanjung Jabung Timur

05 March 2020 by
Stefani Paskalia Widiyani

SKK Migas – PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. officially handed over 16 corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs to Tanjung Jabung Timur (TJT) Regency on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

PetroChina VP HR & Relations Dencio Renato Boele symbolically handed the programs to TJT Regent Romi Hariyanto in an event at Karya Muda Community Group office in Pandan Sejahtera Village, Geragai District. SKK Migas Southern Sumatra Representative Office Head Adiyanto Agus Handoyo, SKK Migas Institutional Relations Senior Manager Syafei Syafri and TJT Legislative Council Speaker Mahrup also attended the event.

The 16 programs highlighted SKK Migas – PetroChina’s contribution in developing communities in the regency.

Dencio said that the programs were small but promising steps to support literacy and community development in the regency. “We hope to provide even more significant social contributions in the years ahead,” said Dencio.

Adiyanto mentioned the importance of synergy between local administrations, government institutions, and the business community. “These programs prove the upstream oil and gas industry’s commitment in developing communities. Community development is not only the responsibility of local administrations but also the product of synergy between local government, companies, and other institutions,” said Adiyanto.

During his opening remarks, Romi invited some beneficiaries to the stage to voice their aspirations before the regent, SKK Migas, and PetroChina. Karya Muda Community Group advisor Syafei revealed that marketing strategy was among the obstacles in developing the community’s business. Karya Muda currently produces organic fertilizer from cow manure and oil palm waste and manages a maggot farm in Pandan Sejahtera Village.

On the same day, the group visited Pandan Makmur Public Library, one of the handed-over programs. PetroChina also built another library located in Simpang Tuan Village. While the libraries’ construction was funded with PetroChina’s CSR budget, the book collections were provided by PetroChina employees.

In the company’s book donation program, employees donated around 2,000 books for the two libraries.

Stefani Paskalia Widiyani March 5, 2020
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