SKK Migas-PetroChina Hand Over Nine CSR Programs to Tanjung Jabung Timur

06 February 2022 by
Mohammad Iman Mahditama

SKK Migas and PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. handed over nine corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs completed in 2021 to the Tanjung Jabung Timur regency administration on Wednesday, February 2, 2022.

The offline handover ceremony took place at the Pandan Jaya Subdistrict Library, near PetroChina’s Geragai Camp in Geragai District. The library’s construction was among the CSR programs PetroChina carried out last year.

PetroChina Jabung Field Manager John Halim, SKK Migas Sr. Manager Institutional Relations Safei, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regent Romi Hariyanto, local officials and CSR program beneficiaries attended the event. In his opening speech, John said that the nine programs were proofs of PetroChina’s commitment to community development in the regions surrounding the company’s working areas, specifically in Tanjung Jabung Timur regency.

“As we know, the Government of Indonesia announced late last year that PetroChina would continue managing Jabung Block for the period of 2023-2043. Entering this new era, PetroChina reaffirms its commitment to maximize Jabung’s oil and gas potentials and to collaborate with various parties in carrying out social programs to improve local people’s lives,” he explained.

Other than the Pandan Jaya Subdistrict Library, eight other programs handed over in the event were:

  1. Renovation of community health center (puskesmas) in Pematang Rahim village, Geragai district;
  2. Development of environmentally-friendly school in Kota Baru village, Geragai;
  3. Development assistance for Syariah Srikandi Sukses Bersama Cooperative (KSSSB), Geragai;
  4. Batik training and provision of ecoprint equipment and natural colorings in Lambur 1 village, Muara Sabak;
  5. Development assistance and provision of 12 cows for a cattle farm in Mencolok village, Mendahara Ulu;
  6. Development of disaster-resilient villages in Pandan Makmur, Pandan Lagan, Pandan Sejahtera, Rantau Karya and Kota Baru;
  7. Construction of rigid pavement road in Parit Slamet Simpang Tabu;
  8. Installation of solar street lights in Pandan Sejahtera village, Geragai.

On behalf of SKK Migas, Safei congratulated PetroChina for obtaining the Jabung Block PSC extension. He said that the announcement should encourage PetroChina to do more for Tanjung Jabung Timur, so that local communities could enjoy the fruits of oil and gas productions in their home regency.

”In the past two years, Indonesia’s oil and gas industry has faced various obstacles in carrying out community development programs everywhere due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Surely, we hope that the pandemic will end soon, so that we can continue our good work in these programs,” Safei said.

Meanwhile, Romi thanked PetroChina for its contributions to his regency. ”PetroChina’s presence must bring fresh air and positive impacts to local communities. Moving forward, I truly hope that PetroChina will do more for people in Tanjung Jabung Timur,” he said.

Mohammad Iman Mahditama February 6, 2022
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