SKK Migas - PetroChina Hands Over 18 CSR Programs to East Tanjung Jabung

19 December 2024 by
Mohammad Iman Mahditama

PetroChina handed over 18 corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs to the East Tanjung Jabung regency government on December 11, 2024. PetroChina VP Business Support Gusminar handed over the programs to East Tanjung Jabung regent Romi Hariyanto in an event at Perpustakaan Cendekia community library in Pandan Jaya, Geragai.

Also in attendance were SKK Migas Southern Sumatra Representative Office head Anggono Mahendrawan, local police and military chiefs, heads of local government agencies, heads of districts, subdistricts and villages, as well as representatives of CSR program beneficiaries.

Gusminar said that the programs were concrete proof of PetroChina Jabung’s commitment for community development in East Tanjung Jabung. “Hopefully, these programs will bring widespread benefits for improving local people’s welfare.”

He continued that support and collaboration between the upstream oil and gas industry, local government and people is important both of the industry’s sustainable operations and for local development. “Let’s keep this good collaborative spirit and work together to build a better future for the people in Jambi,” he said.  

The 18 programs handed over in the event were:

  1. Construction of concrete road at Block D towards Mendahara.
  2. Construction of concrete road at Block D intersection towards Pandan Lagan.
  3. Installation of solar-powered street lighting.
  4. Construction of Mencolok village office.
  5. Renovation of Sungai Toman village office.
  6. Land filling at SDN 169 elementary school yard.
  7. Scholarships for elementary school, middle school and high school students.
  8. School uniforms and equipment for students in Geragai District.
  9. Development of Sanggar Bekisah Teras Militan literacy club in Pematang Rahim village.
  10. Geragai Literacy Festival.
  11. Revitalization and development of clean water pipes at Sinar Wajo village.
  12. Upgrading of Pandan Makmur community health center’s yard.
  13. MSME product packaging improvement training and assistance to boost competitiveness.
  14. Tree planting at mangrove preservation area in East Tanjung Jabung’s east coast.
  15. Establishment and training of firefighting volunteers’ groups in collaboration with East Tanjung Jabung firefighting agency and public order agency.
  16. Establishment of disaster-resilient villages and socialization of disaster-safe schools in collaboration with East Tanjung Jabung disaster mitigation agency.
  17. Training of mangrove care villages through mangrove revegetation in Jati Mulyo village, Dendang district.
  18. Construction of literacy café and garden and other improvements at Perpustakaan Cendekia community library.

Mohammad Iman Mahditama December 19, 2024
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