Task force chief Riza Primahendra said in his opening remarks that, on behalf of the company’s management, he thanked all employees who supported Covid-19 prevention efforts both in the office and at home throughout the year. “These past few weeks, we’ve had a good record in curbing Covid-19 spread among workers and families. As we approach the year-end holiday season, I hope we can all stay alert,” he said.
Major holiday seasons in Indonesia in the past two years, including Eid and Christmas, were often marked with prolonged spikes of Covid-19 cases as many people travel to be with their families. With the current spread of new coronavirus variant Omicron, many people are concerned that the upcoming holiday period will cause Covid-19 cases to rise again.
During the socialization events, three specialist doctors from Bunda Hospital Group, namely M. Syah Abdaly, Etty Ratna Pratiwi and Resna Murti Wibowo, reminded attendees that the same Covid-19 basic health protocols apply to preventing new Covid-19 variants’ spread.
“No matter what the variant is, the best prevention steps remain the same, such as wearing mask, washing hands, reducing mobility and avoiding crowds. Moreover, please take the Covid-19 vaccine and support the government’s efforts in testing, tracing and treatment,” Abdaly said.
Etty said that those wishing to travel should obey vaccination, testing and quarantine requirements. “You can do simple Covid-19 risk analysis before traveling. Avoid unnecessary travels and consider health protocols and other conditions at your destination. Also, watch your physical conditions,” she said.
Resna encouraged attendees to always stay updated as ongoing research on Covid-19 and its new variants, including Omicron, may lead to information often changing. “We need to be alert but there are some good news, including that no Omicron-related deaths have been reported and that the WHO says Covid-19 vaccines remain effective against Omicron,” he said. He continued that maintaining a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and a positive mental attitude can boost immunity against Covid-19.
Employees urged to boost Covid-19 alertness ahead of year-end holiday season